Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

Sample Meds and Foreign Coins


Banks must hate foreign coins almost as much as clinics hate sample medications, because they’re always dumping both according to Reddit user angrymom789.

“I’m a janitor, so I think that works? Anyways I mostly clean banks and clinics. Everyday banks would throw away Canadian and Mexican coins, like hundreds of them. Maybe they hate Canadians and Mexicans? They would also throw away a ton of information of clients, like name, address, copies of drivers license and SSN. I mean WTF.

Why would just throw that stuff away like that without shredding it? Anyways I took time to shred it for them. And at clinics they would throw away tons of medical equipment whenever they got new ones. Like they threw away some heart rate monitor that wasn’t even old. They also threw away tons of medications that were used as samples, not even expired. And they also threw away a mini fridge, which I use now.”

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