Bio Hazard Waste

Hospitals generally pay disposal fees to have their bio hazard waste removed from the hospital. But Reddit user Slambusher learned that not all hospitals follow this protocol.
” I ran a large trash hauling company in south Georgia for 3 years. The amount of sketchy things thrown away is innumerable. I can’t tell you how many times hospitals threw their bio waste out to save on disposal fees. It got so bad the landfill ended up reporting them. That’s just the ones we saw who knows how many weren’t caught.
Wasn’t criminal but should have been was the amount of good things WalMart and other retailers threw away. You return something due to scratch etc and it doesn’t sell they have to throw it away. Tools, tvs, computers, clothes, toys etc some not even out of the box. All of it in working condition but they had to throw it out to write it off is what I was told.”