Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

Parts of a Meth Lab


One time, a group of garbage collectors heard a terrible explosion in the back of their truck. A day later, they called their supervisor, Reddit user Moosepondvacation, to describe what had caused the explosion.

“Former Sanitation Department Supervisor – My guys called me frantic one day after an explosion in the hopper of the truck. Thankfully no one was injured, but I called the fire department and police always come on fire calls too. Turns out they had been watching the house we were in front of because the guy was cooking meth.

He threw away some of the ingredients and the pressure when it compacted caused it to explode. The best part was the fact that the guy sat out front watching the show in a bathrobe. He eventually got dressed and came back out. When he was arrested he had drugs in his pants. Apparently he didn’t own any pants without drugs in the pockets.”

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