Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Dog

Flickr / Ted Murphy / CC 2.0

Reddit user Glove_Compartment’s dog was trash. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t cute. It was just really stinky given where it was found. 

“My father was a garbage man when I was born. I don’t remember because I was like 3 months old. But my first dog was in the trash. My dad stopped. Picked up a box and heard some shuffling on the inside and there were two puppies. My dad kept one and the driver kept the other. They were brother and sister (my dad assumed).

He kept the male and named him Jasper. He was literally my best friend growing up. I had him for 13 years and my dad tells me the job was worth it just for that dog. He called the police and animal control on the residence but doesn’t know what happened after that. All I know is I’m 37 and still love that dog so much. I’m so thankful my dad saved him and his sister.”

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