Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Kitty and Some Skis


Reddit user Ulrich_The_Elder didn’t need to go to an animal shelter to find a new kitty or a store to buy himself a pair of skis and some brylcreem hair styling product. He just had to look for these items in other people’s trash.

“I worked as a garbage man in 1972. A small stray cat jumped into the back of the hopper to look for food. I took him home and named him saigon. This was the best thing. Second best thing someone threw out an old pair of skis. There was snow on the ground and me and the other guy each took a ski and stood on it and held onto the truck, great fun. Third best we found an entire case of “brylcream” (look it up) and me and the other guy had brylcream fights all day, total mess (I stripped off before going into my house after work). Worst things a garbage can that had live coals in it that started our truck on fire.

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