Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Throne for a King

Flickr/studio tdes/CC 2.0

Garbage collectors aren’t the only people who find things in trash. Just ask Reddit user deadlyturtle22
who found a comfy “throne” to sit in while he played his Playstation.

“When I was a kid I found a couch. It wasn’t very big, but thats why it was so great. 10 year old me was able to carry it all the way home by myself. (About a block and a half.) This was before kids having cell phones were huge so I didn’t call my parents about it first and they were at the store anyways. So I took the couch home and put it in my room. It was pretty dated… Made of some material I’ve never encountered again so far, but I thought I was THE S***. I had a whole couch in my room. How many 10 year olds had couches in their room? Well my parents came home and clearly weren’t happy, but given I carried it up to the second story and got it into my room they let me keep it. (My down stairs neighbor helped me.)

I felt like a king. I had a couch. I had a big box TV for my play station. I had it all. Simpler times.” 

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