Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

Go-Kart and Trampoline

Flickr / Andy Rogers / CC 2.0

Reddit user paulippolito wasn’t a garbage collector, but their dad was. He also did clean-outs as a side gig which gave him the opportunity to gift their kid some pretty nifty items, including a go-kart.  

“My father was a garbage man who also did clean-outs for homes and businesses, where they’d rip apart the entire building and throw everything out in their dumpsters. He worked on a ton of really massive houses, some worth 10s of millions of dollars, one was worth 40 million and wasn’t even the permanent residence.

Best things I got as a kid: A pretty much unused trampoline with a net and everything.

A go-kart that my dads friend was able to fix up and we used all the time (I live on a dead end).

And once he cleaned out a deli that was closing down, and we no joke had unlimited Snapples and Sodas of every flavor for almost a year. I’d drink the Snapples while out on the trampoline. I used the hell out of all 3 of those things in my childhood.”

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