Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Headless Deer Carcass and Crystallized Picric Acid


Reddit user Moldy_slug found all kinds of weird stuff, some of which could have blown up in his face literally. But there was one item that he thought was a dead human, but turned out to be something else instead.

“Oh man, my time to shine! I’ve been working at a waste transfer station (“garbage dump”) for many years.

The worst I’ve seen (just garbage, not counting stuff brought to the hazmat department):

A freezer stuffed with a skinned, rotting, headless deer carcass. We nearly called the cops before we realized it wasn’t human.

Used needles. The worst being a tie between “porcupine couch” and the lady who literally handed me a paper bag full of syringes she found during a park cleanup.

Large container of old crystallized picric acid. Bomb squad had to deal with that one.”

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