Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Religious Sacrifice


Some might say that what Reddit user 98FordContour found was something eerily similar to an “X-Files” after stumbling on a religious sacrifice and some blood.

“NYC sanitation worker here. I have seen just about everything you can imagine. Dead animals such as dogs and cats are thrown out like every day trash. We are required to just take them and the police are not notified at all.

One time, my partner and I saw huge amounts of blood leaking from multiple trash bags that we had just thrown into the truck. We called our supervisor and he looked at it and just said keep going. It could have been anything. I have also seen plenty of drug paraphernalia being thrown out.

Thousands of little plastic bags, scales and plenty of white “powder” all over the place. one single incident sticks with me. Me and my partner were called to a location that was far away from our regular route one day. We met our supervisor at the location. I ask him what’s up? He points to a tree we were standing near. He says look up.

I look up and see a huge mass hanging in the tree about 20 feet off the ground. I couldn’t really make out what it was but it was dark and about 3X3 feet big. Turns out, it was a huge pile of dead rats all tied together in a big mass. The police and fire department showed up about 5 minutes later. The fire department had to use a ladder to get to the branch and cut it down.

When it hit the ground with a thud, the smell was so bad that us, the PD and FD all backed up very quickly. Me and my partner had the pleasure of grabbing this thing and tossing it into the truck. There had to be between 50-75 dead rats on this thing. We asked the police what it was all about and they said most likely a form of religious sacrifice.

I’ve been working for the sanitation department for 14 years and that had to be the nastiest thing I have ever seen. I’ll never forget the smell. Forgot to mention that it was probably about 90 degrees that day and God knows how long that thing was hanging around.”

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