A Severed Head and Body Parts

Reddit user Sesstuna didn’t work for the Silver State Disposal in Nevada, but her old man did and what he found was a collection of body parts that made his skin crawl.
“When my dad was young and I was a baby, he worked at Silver State Disposal in Nevada. We lived in Henderson, a suburb of Las Vegas, until mid-1988 (dodged a serious bullet by moving east a month prior to the PEPCON explosion).
My old mans’ role there was primarily as a diesel mechanic, but on days where the collectors wouldn’t show up, he would get some overtime in and help with collection.
So one morning he’s getting his time and a half in, they are collecting in a large development, very high end homes. And he always phrases this next part the exact same way:
“I found a leg in the fourth trash can I opened, and I thought someone had thrown out a prosthetic, it just didn’t look real. It wasn’t until I found her head 10 minutes later that I realized I had thrown away a severed leg.”
The driver of the truck contacted their dispatcher, who in turn contacted the police & sent out additional teams to search the trash cans. Seven pieces were found; (dad found right leg/head), torso, arms x2, left leg, and a stray breast.
Tl,dr; my old man found a severed head. Update: Talked to my dad about this briefly via text, he mentioned one of the police officers on the scene found one of the legs in a state of decay and vomited everywhere. And he says the head belonged to an Asian female, and was covered in “whorish makeup”. I’ll be visiting him this weekend, will update again if anything interesting comes up.
And to clear things up: They find bodies in the trash cans of Las Vegas on a regular basis. The most recent was like, 3 months ago. CSI doesn’t get these stories from any sort of creative writing.”