Hands Down The Worst Christmas Gifts Ever

Poster Child

Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

When I was younger, I was obsessed with the Spice Girls. One year, my grandma gave me a poster of them for Christmas. My parents are divorced and, as a result, we moved a lot with my mom over the years. No matter how many bedrooms I had or what city we were living in at any given moment, I always had my Spice Girls poster hanging on my door at all times.

One of the last times that we moved, my mom was packing up my room. While she was trying to get my poster down, she accidentally ripped it. Now the rip was not anything terrible, but she pretty much assumed that it was garbage at that point and threw it away without my knowing. When I found out, I just cried and cried for days.

Because so many years had already passed since the poster had first been purchased, I couldn’t even find the same one for sale on eBay, Amazon, or anywhere else. Then, one day, I happened to casually mention the story to my mother-in-law. Two years ago, she somehow managed to find a copy of the poster and surprised me with it as a Christmas gift.

It was the first time in my entire life that I had ever cried over getting a present. I still need to get around to properly framing it someday, but it has been one of my prized possessions ever since. ~ smoltown

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