Hands Down The Worst Christmas Gifts Ever

Life Comes At You Fast


My girlfriend ruined my Christmas. She has a drinking problem and decided, hey, let me get wasted at my first Christmas with my boyfriend’s family. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a fun drinker…up to a certain point. Once she passes that threshold, though, she’s a clumsy, emotional, angry, awful person and goes the extra mile to make a statement.

Except the statement makes no sense, ever. Then, not “understanding” her infuriates her, and then the arguments begin. But it doesn’t end there. Instead of letting me try to defuse her outburst, she attacks me verbally and says some of the most screwed-up stuff. Because I’m no punching bag, I attack back and we went into a verbal free-for-all.

Now I’m single. Yep, we broke up on Christmas at a family gathering. ~ CaptainCrunchYa

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