Hands Down The Worst Christmas Gifts Ever

Grandma’s Got To Learn


My dad’s mom always favored my dad’s sister’s kids over me and my two brothers. She would always get them better gifts than us. One year, in particular, takes the cake. One of my cousins got a brand new PS2, while I got a pre-school toy. My younger brother got a talking dinosaur from the gas station, and my older brother got a used model car.

My dad was so embarrassed—so he came up with a plan. He pulled my grandma aside and said, “Please stop buying my kids Christmas gifts. They see what’s going on here. They’re not stupid. I’ll buy the gifts from now on, and we can just say they’re from you.” The following year, I got a hockey jersey, my younger brother got a PS2 with lots of games, and my older brother got some Xbox games. Thanks, “Grandma.” ~ Mogilny89Leafs

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