Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#37 I’m Sorry, Who Is The Bad Friend?

NBC Universal Television

In college, I got out of a three-year relationship and went into a pretty deep depression. My friends wanted to take me out to a club because they thought it would help me get my mind off of my ex. I reluctantly went.

After the club, we went back to my apartment. A couple of people we didn’t know ended up coming with us. One guy who was pretty tipsy went into my room and passed out on my bed. When I was ready to head to sleep, I woke him up and told him he could have the couch if he wanted. He said he lived just down the street, so he decided to head home instead.

The next day, I saw him on campus and he proceeded to berate me for not letting him stay in my bed. He then took it a step further by telling me he felt like I treated him poorly for not sleeping with him. I stopped talking to him entirely after that.

Credit: sydneyseahorse

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