Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#35 This Guy Needs A Reality Check… And A Lesson On How Not To Be A Misogynist

YouTube / Warner Bros. Television

He seemed genuinely nice. Despite a couple of my friends warning me, I went on a date with him.

Things started out fine. We went for beer and wings and we tried to get to know each other better. At some point, he started talking about how he’d like to make enough money to support a housewife. I told him that I was personally not interested in that sort of life and he got very quiet.

When the time came to pay for dinner, I asked for the bills to be separate, and he got very upset with me. The waitress was visibly uncomfortable and I didn’t want to argue, so I just let him pay. He walked me home, said our goodbyes and I made my way to the door. He ran after me, held the door as I opened it and asked, “Where’s my kiss? I paid so I deserve a kiss… or more.” I shook my head, shut the door and locked it.

A few days later, he to told some of our mutual friends that I was in love with him. I guess he just couldn’t take the rejection and had to lie to make himself feel better.

Credit: doginabeecostume

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