Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#33 Ah, Jealousy At Its Finest


I didn’t date him, but we were good friends in college. He was also very close with my boyfriend at the time. We used to chat for hours at night and he was a fun person to be around in general.

One night, he sent me a long letter, confessing his interest in me. I was really surprised because I had never noticed any signs that he was. I told him I really cared about him as a friend, but that I wasn’t interested in him in any other way. I also pointed out that I was still dating his friend.

At that point, he sent a wave of hateful messages, calling me “shallow” and saying that I only liked my boyfriend for his appearance. You think you know a guy…

Credit: ALT_enveetee 

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