Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#31 Sounds Like She Needed A Megaphone


I wasn’t guilted into going out with the guy, but we were coworkers and I knew he liked me. So when he asked me to play pool with him after work, I told him that I’d go as long as he understood we would just be hanging out as friends.

After our pool night, he asked me if I wanted to play laser tag. I said ok. Then he asked me to dinner. Once again, I said okay, but told him I’d be paying for my own bill since it still wasn’t a date.

Halfway through dinner, he went to the bathroom and sent me a text message officially asking me out on a date. It was sweet, but I replied that I was still only interested in being friends. He got really upset, left the restaurant and never spoke to me again.

Credit: grlonfire93

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