Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#27 Uh, You Know You’re On A Date Now, Right?


It was more curiosity than guilt.

His profile was okay—he seemed like a nice guy; the kind who opens doors and pays for everything. He arrived first for our coffee date, so he bought himself one and sat down. When I arrived, he never stood up or offered to buy me one. Not that I cared, but in his profile, he said it was what he liked to do.

He spent the whole date complaining about how hard it was for him to find dates, and how he was going speed dating the following week.

I didn’t bother pointing out that he was already on a date.

When I left, he didn’t open the door for me either. In fact, I think I opened it for him.

I wished him well at the speed dating.

Credit: Happy_Feces

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