Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#22 Stalkers Can Be Nice Too, I Guess…

NBC Universal Television

Everyone said he was very nice but also extremely shy. We started dating and it was pretty boring, but at least he was a great listener. He was attentive and seemed interested in my hobbies.

Though, it bothered me that he never had any stories of his own. He probably retold the same two stories over and over. I know not everyone is terribly exciting, but he was a lot older than I was and he was always talking about his bucket list, so I expected him to be much more interesting.

As soon as he sensed that I was starting to lose interest, he would panic and start watching me. I would be talking on the phone and he would be waiting nearby, peeking around corners. If I caught him doing it, he’d have something like a snack or mail handy to pretend to be doing something else. The longest I noticed him lurking was during a 30-minute long phone call I had with my dad. I could see his shadow underneath the door, lingering the entire time.

I broke up with him after I realized the extent of his lurking. I felt a little bad because he truly was a nice guy, but the lurking just creeped me out too much.

Credit: emmjz

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