Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#44 Must Have Been Quite A Pizza They Shared


He was a friend of a friend, but we hung out with the same group of people and always went to the same parties.

The guys in the group would always say things like, “Ah man, you and Kyle would be so great together! You should give him a shot!” I’d kind of laugh it off because I already had a boyfriend.

When my boyfriend and I eventually broke up, Kyle asked me out. I wasn’t really ready, but I figured it was just a first date, so I agreed. Plus, everyone had been pressuring me into giving this guy a chance, so I felt like I couldn’t say no.

The whole evening was awkward. We just ordered a pizza and watched movies, and he would NOT STOP STARING. I couldn’t even eat because I felt like I was under a microscope.

After our date, we kept in touch through text. About a week later, he asked when we could have another date. I told him that maybe I had rushed into things too fast and that I just wasn’t feeling any connection with him. Then he dropped a bomb on me:


Yup. When Kyle found out that I was single, he dumped his girlfriend of eight months just so he could ask me out.

The timely cherry on top is that they got back together. I haven’t seen him in four years.

Credit: fuqmook

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