Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#43 That’s Going To Be A No From Me, Dawg

Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

All my friends told me this guy from our group of friends was really nice, even though I felt like he was creepy. I gave him a shot and we went out once, but I regretted it immediately.

He asked me if I’d be interested in entering a relationship with him, and I said no because I truly wasn’t interested. He then said that saying no was disrespectful. Big yikes.

After that awkward date, he came over to my place, completely uninvited. He asked me if he could ruffle through my hair because he wanted to feel my scalp. He also kept asking me to sit closer to him, even though we were already next to each other. He also thought it was a great idea to mention that he heard voices in his head often and has dreamt of hurting people.

I immediately rushed him out of my apartment. I just wanted him to be gone. I checked my keys five times to see if he took any. He is, by far, the most creepy, socially inept person I’ve ever met. He’s so aggressive and impulsive.

Credit: taikutsuu

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