Girls Who Were Guilted Into Dating A ‘Nice Guy’ Share What Actually Went Down

#40 Nice Guys Won’t Guilt You Into Staying


I was guilted into a one-year relationship with this one guy. He was super nice at first, but I was also young and naive.

I realized quite quickly that he wasn’t for me. We just had very different political views and opinions on things. He was also very judgmental. He often made fun of my weight, and that really crushed my self-esteem.

When I finally mustered up the courage to tell him that I didn’t want to be with him anymore, he guilted me into staying with him, saying that I’d never find another guy who’d love me as he did. He even said he would hurt himself if I left him.

Eventually, I felt like I ran out of options and ended up just ghosting him. I changed my number, deleted social media for a couple of years, and moved out of my apartment. I never heard from him again, thankfully.

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