Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Waiting For You


I once had a colleague that I just couldn’t stand, and one day he revealed that he was heading over to New York. I casually mentioned that I was going to be there too and suggested maybe we could meet for lunch. He took the bait, handed over his number and we arranged to meet exactly at noon at the TGIFridays in Times Square.

The twist? I was actually at home, remotely controlling a live video feed with a camera in Times Square, while he stood there by himself waiting for me. I kept sending messages saying that I’d be there shortly. Eventually, however, I excused myself by saying that I’d gotten lost and had to cancel our meeting.

Just for an added jab, I combined the footage of him waiting alone with tracks like “The Waiting” and “Right Here Waiting for You” for a bit of cheeky irony. I then sent this video to him as well as everyone else in our office.

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