Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

I Didn’t Mean To Do That


I accidentally crushed a kid’s skateboard with my car, locked eyes with him, and then left the area.

Just to set the scene for you, he had been showing off his skills, weaving in and out in the middle of a rather narrow road. His friends were sensibly skateboarding on the sidewalk. It was too risky for me to overtake, forcing me to follow him for a frustrating quarter of a mile while he took his sweet time.

Finally, as we reached where our paths diverge, he attempted a fancy maneuver onto the footpath but miscalculated. His skateboard didn’t make it and sprung back onto the road. Meanwhile, he had fumbled onto the sidewalk and turned around horror-stricken as he heard the crack of his skateboard under my car wheels.

I must confess that I hadn’t intended to do it, but neither did I make an effort to avoid it. Despite feeling a twinge of guilt, I couldn’t help but find the whole situation rather amusing.

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