Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Reaching a Breaking Point


Once upon a time, when my sister and I shared a home, I was the one with the mobile phone while she had none. Consequently, she relied on my device to stay connected with her friends. Initially, I didn’t mind sharing, but her friend’s incessant calls gradually became unbearable.

She would ring up a dozen times or more in a day, seeking my sister. Honestly? It was starting to bug me. One particular day, my sister and I were in the kitchen preparing a meal when my phone buzzed. As soon as I saw the caller ID and recognized her friend’s name, I reached my breaking point. I lashed out at my sister.

“Good heavens, I wish she would stop breathing so that she’d quit pestering me with these constant calls.”

I can never erase those words from memory because, shockingly, that was the call informing my sister that her friend had just perished in a car crash. Her mother dialed all the numbers her daughter frequently contacted to break the tragic news…

Even now, reminiscing about that moment makes me feel extremely guilty.

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