Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Who Let The Lizards Out?


My first year in high school was marked by my diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. This chronic illness took a significant toll on my physical growth. Weighing a mere 70 pounds at 14, my appearance was gaunt and frail.

As expected, people often remarked on my thinness and rumors circulated that I might be anorexic.

As part of my curriculum, I had to take a Health and PE course. There was this one classmate, a real numbskull, who never missed a chance to make a snide comment. Seated diagonally ahead of me in class, he seldom held back. But I was soon going to teach him a lesson.

One day, while we were at the track, I noticed him being especially jumpy around a lizard that another classmate had found on a fence. Seeing his reaction, the classmate couldn’t resist chasing him around with it—and his faced turned white with panic.

The following day, I decided to play a prank on him. I caught a few lizards, put them in a portable carrier, and sneakily unleashed them on him during class. While nobody knew who was behind it, everyone had a good laugh while watching him jump out of his seat, shrieking in fear and struggling to shake off the lizards. His squealing became a running joke for the rest of the year among our classmates.

It wasn’t exactly the most mature reaction, and I harbor a bit of remorse for it. But I must admit, it was utterly funny and, at the time, satisfying to get my little revenge.

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