Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Stay Silent


Sure, we were those kids—we’d chuck snowballs, eggs, practically anything, at cars as they passed through our neighborhood.

There was this one night, we were up to our usual shenanigans. The layout of our neighborhood was such that it favored our mischief—it was set on a peninsula, with just one entrance and exit, and a long road that we could keep an eye on. 

It wasn’t too long until we got into enough trouble to be able to identify the incoming vehicles merely by their headlights. We even knew when it was a police car!

We devised this strange snowball trap for unsuspecting cars. The drivers would come around a blind turn, only to find a hose tied across the road linking two signs on either side. Naturally, they’d stop, get out to remove it and that’s when we’d let loose our snowy barrage before making our escape via a secret path.

Then, one day, someone didn’t spot the hose in time. The hose got tangled in their wheel, causing them to skid and halt abruptly in a snowstorm around a blind turn. As fate would have it, a police car was close behind and collided with them. 

We raced back to my house, just managing to evade detention, and soon we were all peering out of my window at the town’s entire police force patrolling outside.

Our neighbors had a good inkling it was us and tried to snitch to my parents about our little escapade. Fortunately, they could never definitively pin it on us.

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