Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

A Good-Old Shoplifting Story


When I was 14, my friend and I decided to visit a store with our gym bags. We had an agreement to swipe something off the shelves. We filled our bags with a selection of snacks, candies, and soda. Then, my friend proposed taking some drinks too, and I didn’t object.

While my buddy was loading up on Smirnoff ice and other stuff, I was on the lookout for anyone who might spot us. We managed to exit the store with our loot, and surely, we should’ve stopped at this point—but we kept going, until we almost took it too far.

Next, we visited another shop with the audacious thought, “Why not pilfer some more?” While wandering around, we noticed the shop was nearly deserted. Unfortunately, we found nothing worth taking, so we decided to leave. 

Just as we were exiting, an employee noticed us and asked to check our bags. Panicking, we refused and bolted. Needless to say, we haven’t returned to that shop since.

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