Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Another Kid Did It, Mom


Back when I was just a kindergartener, I got this crazy idea of pretending to be a superhero. My mission? Charging headfirst into a chair of all things…

Unfortunately, there was a hefty metal part of my teacher’s desk right behind the chair, which left me with a major bump/bruise right on my forehead.

At that time, there was this kid I wasn’t too fond of. To spare myself from the impending embarrassment of admitting I’d hurt myself in such a silly manner, I instead spun a tale for my mom that he’d whacked me on the head with a stick…

Picture this: my parents in a meeting with my teacher and this kid’s parents. The teacher interrogating the other students about what they saw. The innocent kid nearly got suspended—if kindergarteners even can be.

Eventually, guilt got the better of me. I confessed to my mom about my lie, and she made me apologize…

Turns out, he was a genuinely nice guy who I happen to know even through high school. Every time I saw him, a pang of guilt hit me. I often wonder if he still remembers my ridiculous antics.

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