Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Watching the Chaos Unfold


When I was in kindergarten, I staged an uprising against my Physical Education (PE) teacher.

I was quite a mischievous youngster, known for chit-chatting during classes but equally skilled at evading trouble. On this particular day, my PE teacher decided she had had enough. She tried to scold both me and my friend, whom I was chit-chatting with. 

As always, I zipped my lips just in time. My friend, however, wasn’t as fortunate. Although I didn’t get into any trouble, I resolved right then—I would pay back this teacher.

During a later recess, with the same teacher monitoring the playground, I saw my chance. I decided her rule was over and rallied almost 15 fellow students to run after the teacher, pelting her with pebbles and wood chips. The ironic part? Once I had stirred up the kids, I simply stood back and watched the chaos unfold. I didn’t lift a finger.

That day landed me in the principal’s office and brought my mom to school for the second time in one day.

In those early days, I was indeed quite a handful.

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