Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Why Would You Do That?


When I was about eight or nine years old, I met a delightful little girl named Rachel while on a family holiday. We shared lots of laughter, games and memorable times together. However, she had an unusual fear – she genuinely believed that monsters roamed the woods nearby.

Her fear wasn’t limited to a simple ‘fear of the dark’ type. Instead, it was an intense terror of mythical creatures lurking in our natural surroundings. So to help her overcome this fear, her mother gave her a special weapon. It was an old perfume atomizer, filled with water, which she told Rachel would keep the monsters at bay.

Then came a day when Rachel unfortunately forgot her unique ‘monster deterrent.’ After pondering over what to do with the abandoned spray bottle, I made a rather regrettable decision. I peed in it. Yes, you heard it right. I filled it up and nonchalantly left it where I found it. 

The next day, Rachel wore her amulet, the spray bottle, unknowing of the unsanitary act I’d committed. A pang of guilt overcomes me every time I recall the incident.

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