Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Video Games Are More Important 


If you’re a ’90s kid, you might recall the old Toys R Us. The video game department had a unique system: you’d grab a paper slip from a pouch on the aisle if you wanted a game, then head up to the front to collect it.

So picture this: Resident Evil 2 had just been released, and I was desperate to have it. I rock up to the game aisle and see a young boy in a wheelchair, straining to reach the last Resident Evil 2 paper slip. It was perched just beyond his grasp. He was loudly calling for his dad to help him out. Seeing an opportunity, I seized my chance. I swiftly walked up, took the slip and power-walked to the front to buy the game.

I could hear the kid calling after me, expressing his outrage and pleading with me to return the slip: “You can’t do that!! I was here first! Please…”

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