Good People Who Admitted to Doing Something Downright Bad

Life Comes At You Fast


Back in my youth, I was cruising down a major city avenue with a pal the day following a massive downpour. At a traffic light, our attention was drawn to a gaggle of boisterous high school girls, clad in distinctive private school uniforms, waiting for their bus at a bus stop.

Right in front of them was this gigantic puddle, impossible to miss. It was like demon mischief took hold of me right then…I made a quick roundabout at the next intersection, drove a few blocks back, and then sped past those girls as the traffic light turned green, steering my vintage 1970 Chevelle straight into that gigantic puddle.

It turns out, the puddle was deceptively full. A torrent of muddy water soaked those unsuspecting girls from head to foot. Presently, as a 48-year-old father, I can see the foolishness of my actions then. But in that moment, my friend and I couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably as the girls shrieked and hurled expletives our way.

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