Honest Hospital Confessions That Were Completely Heartbreaking

Clear Realization


I had an accident and ended up with a concussion and emergency spinal surgery. Once I got to the hospital, the surgeon quickly went through all the things that could go wrong so I was aware. He said something like, “And with every surgery, there’s a very small chance of death.” All my brain heard was, “You’re 100% gonna bleed out.” After that, I just had this very clear realization through the confusion of the concussion that I didn’t tell my brother that I loved him enough.

So I called him with, like, 2% battery on my phone and told him to move on without me and live his life to the fullest, and I’ll always be proud of him. Yeah, surgery went absolutely fine and when I came round, he just joked, “Even though you survived, I can still live my life to the fullest, right? It wasn’t an either/or situation?” I obviously told him he couldn’t.

Story credit: Reddit / CrazySnekGirl

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