Honest Hospital Confessions That Were Completely Heartbreaking

Last Moments Together


I had a patient who I was in the room with when her doctor explained she only had a few weeks to live. I knew her well, and spent quite a bit of time talking to her up to the news. In the days that followed, she seemed to have accepted she was dying. She lived this beautiful, independent, and successful life, maybe not money successful, but just plain happy.

Anyways, when I was helping her to the tub on day 10 since receiving the news, she just broke down crying and couldn’t stop crying. What she told me made me nearly burst into tears on the spot. She talked about how much she wished she didn’t put her dog down, since they could have passed together. I guess she put her elderly dog down a few days before going into the hospital.

She knew her life was over, so she put him down first. She hated herself for it and for the fact she blew the opportunity for them to spend their last moments together. Really heartbreaking to watch, to hear that unfold. She passed early in the morning two days later. I took a couple of mental health days off after she passed and spent some time looking up dogs to adopt and new jobs to apply for.

Story credit: Reddit / imtakingacorns

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