Hopeless Customer Service Stories That Will Leave You Completely Shocked

Deserted Family Restaurant


I went to a “family dining place” with my ex. It was the “crappy” one, and we knew it, but we were really hungry and it was there. It’s important to note the place is EMPTY except for us, nowhere near closing time.

We walk in and get seated almost immediately. Then nothing for about 10 minutes. We find a waitress and get our drinks put in… About 15 minutes passed and they finally show up. We were going to order then but she just walked away. About 5 minutes later she’s back, and we order.

Again, this is a “family” dining place. Think a lot of cheap, quick to prepare food.

We wait. And wait. And wait. After about 30 minutes our food shows up. Mine is fine (chicken strips) but my ex’s is completely wrong. He just said screw it, and ate it anyway.

We finish about 15 minutes after the food got there and waited to see the waitress walk by so we could grab the check. And waited. And waited. For about 30 minutes, because hey, we’re honest and want to pay the bill. So my ex gets up to try to find ANYONE to get us the bill. We can’t find a single employee. He yells out into the kitchen… Nothing.

So… We just left.

This is the only time I’ve walked out on a bill.

Story credit: Reddit / Muhryzzle

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