Hopeless Customer Service Stories That Will Leave You Completely Shocked

Going in Circles


I will tell my story of Time Warner Cable.

Here is the start of the story. I moved from 1 block, to another in the same town (1.5 miles apart), and had 10mbs internet which worked fine. My roommate could watch Netflix, and so could I, also while playing online games.

I moved to a new apartment, and got better internet with it. I now had 25mbs — awesome. However, when pinging, I only ever got about 4mbs.

Watching Netflix was impossible, let alone Netflix and an online game.

I originally called them, letting them know. Their first line of defence was, “You need to upgrade to better internet.” No, no I don’t. Then, plugging directly into the modem, and all the troubleshooting steps. Many times the call would drop, and I would have to start all over again from troubleshooting step 1. Telling them I just went through this did not help. They ended up swapping out the modem twice saying, “Oh you have the wrong one.” I had 4 onsite technician visits.

First tech tested everything, and his exact words were “I don’t know.” Second tech visit said I was never home and “left a note on the door.” I called out of work to be home, and they never showed, never knocked, and no note on my door. Third visit, was from a tech who, when I called him, started going through my troubleshooting steps over the phone instead of coming out. I told him it still happens when directly plugged into the modem, then he asked me, “Do you use it while on wireless? That’s your problem.” I prompty told him to [bleep] himself, and he hung up on me.

I got the 4th tech to come out, and he FINALLY checked the outside pole to realize there was something wrong the line outside on the pole.

All done, right? Wrong.

So he schedules a maintenance crew to come out and check the poles. A month rolls by, and still nothing and no one. This is when I start the whole thing over. I call and speak directly to a supervisor who states, “We cannot send out a maintenance crew unless a tech visits you first.” When I told him they had, he repeated that sentence 10 times.

Story credit: Reddit / purelyathrowawayacc

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