Hopeless Customer Service Stories That Will Leave You Completely Shocked

Forget About It


Last year myself, my wife, brother and fiancé, and sister and boyfriend went out to pizza in Salem, MA. We all ordered and then they deliver them to your table. Everyone’s pizzas came except my wife and I. We’re waiting for like 10 minutes until we notice people after us were getting food. Finally I go up there and they get all defensive and say they delivered it.

“No, you didn’t”

Finally they fess up that another customer had raised his hand and taken our pizza. They then just sat there looking at me like “OH WELL?”

Had to argue with the manager to actually get the pizza I ordered. She tried to make us take other pizzas instead that were already made (and not what we ordered).

Place lost my business for life.

Story credit: Reddit / noodle-face

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