I’m So Glad They’re Gone
Lovefilm. I tried cancelling, and all they would do is put my account on “holiday”. They simply refused to cancel my subscription. I eventually gave up and accepted the “holiday”.
As that was ending, I tried again, they repeated the “holiday” thing, even though I couldn’t have any more “holiday” time on my account. Then they said that I can reduce my subscription (I was on an expensive one as it was for games), but I wanted to completely cancel.
In the end, I sent them an email threatening legal action, as well as mentioning the Data Protection Act and telling them to remove all my details from their site as I didn’t trust them.
They finally cancelled, buy my account was still there, including my payment details. So I sent them another email threatening legal action again before they finally removed my details.
I’m glad Amazon bought them then gutted them.
Story credit: Reddit