A Satisfying End
(The customer phones a call center to say she can’t place her order on the web.)
Me: … Right. So. What are you ordering?
Customer: (some oven thermometer).
Me: Great. (takes name/address). What’s the credit card number?
Customer: (gives credit card information with expiration 11/12).
Me: Well there’s your problem. 11/12 ended yesterday.
Customer: Yesterday was 11/30! It’s 11/31 now!
Me: No it isn’t.
Customer: I want to speak to your manager. You’re being rude.
Me: Mmmmm no.
Cust: NO?!
Me: No. I’m not being rude, I’m trying to help you. It’s 12/1 today.
Lady abruptly hung up. Strangely satisfying call.
Story credit: Reddit / Fenix159