Hopeless Customer Service Stories That Will Leave You Completely Shocked

Fake ID


I went to a bar after a college football game with some friends. I’m 21, but I don’t drink too often, so I offered to be the designated driver for the night. So we show up to the bar, we get in, we are having a good time just hanging around and singing karaoke, and then I go up to the bar asking just for a Diet Coke. The bartender pours my drink and then turns around and asks for my ID.

I handed him the same ID I gave the bouncer and have previously given him when I have ordered drinks, and he immediately tells me to leave (with my ID in his hand). I told him I was the DD and he just yelled at me (so the whole bar could hear), “This is a fake ID and if you don’t leave voluntarily, then I will make sure you leave.” I’ve got terrible anxiety so I just left — all of my friends were confused — leaving my ID there because the bartender demanded $100 to get it back.

Of course, a cop was waiting right outside the bar where I parked and pulled me over since he saw me just walk out of a bar. I told the cop that the bartender took my real ID but I gave him my name, social and a government identification from my job. The cop could tell I was sober and my government ID is a lot more legit than a license, so he ran my name and it came back saying I was 21.

The cop marched into the bar and demanded my ID was relinquished immediately, much to the bartenders surprise. One of my friends caught him saying I needed to pay him for my “fake ID,” and in his stupor told the police officer and showed him the video. The bartender was immediately arrested on the spot.

So having a crappy bartender led to his arrest… And now that he doesn’t work there I don’t get carded there anymore.

Story credit: Reddit / adio95

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