Hopeless Customer Service Stories That Will Leave You Completely Shocked

Inadequate Resolution


I ordered some wallpaper through Home Depot’s website, and paid for it via paypal. It arrived with one roll badly damaged so I went into the store to return it. The 80 year old woman inexplicably tasked with manning the computer simply could not figure out how to process the return. I stood there for 15 minutes while she made various attempts, and I was trying not to give off any sense of impatience or make her feel rushed or flustered.

And then she ultimately concluded that there was nothing she could do and that I should just go away and come back another day. I asked if there was anyone else in the store who might be able to try, and she just refused to call anyone. I told her to just take the wallpaper and my receipt, issue me a store credit for the amount, and then leave a note for someone who knows what they’re doing which explains the situation.

It shouldn’t be up to me to drive 30 minutes home, only to have to come back the next day and hope that she’s not working and that something magical happened overnight to fix the computers. I was surprised that someone working customer service thought saying “go away and come back another day” was an adequate resolution.

Story credit: Reddit / HeadStove

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