Hopeless Customer Service Stories That Will Leave You Completely Shocked

Transferred to Another Bank


A couple of years ago when you could still actually talk to a real person through Bank of America, I called with an odd question that couldn’t be handled by the traditional number roulette menu. They had disabled the “press 0 for operator” which used to be so wonderful.

Anyways, so of course I had to go through each new menu with the woman speaking “conveniently” and “comfortingly” slow so I don’t miss a single word. Next, new menu. Get with someone finally, I’m in the wrong place and need to be transferred. Whatever, fine. Get a new person, have to go through all my information before they’ll hear my question. In the wrong place, transferred. Info, wrong place, transferred once more.

It had been around 20 minutes by this point. Then I hear, “Hi I’m Susie with Wells Fargo, how may I assist you?”

What the — did you just transfer me to another bank?

Story credit: Reddit / TheUgniux

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