Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#106 Wedding Bells and Bad Attitudes

Worst Thing a Guest did facts

My cousin, who is in her mid-40s and married with two kids, got absolutely plastered at my wedding. Her husband couldn’t make it, so she came down with her two kids (kids did not attend wedding as it was adults only). My dad, who was my best man, was so embarrassed by her behavior that he had to leave in the middle of the reception to take her back to the hotel.

After the reception, a bunch of my relatives all went back to the hotel and found my cousin’s two kids alone in the hotel room (they were like 12 and 9 years old and they were fine), but my cousin was nowhere to be found. My 86-year-old grandmother went down to the hotel bar and saw her basically making out with some random dude.

Grandma told her it was time to go to bed and cousin refused, so Grandma said it again and my cousin got up, shoved my grandma to the ground and started screaming for security to come arrest my grandma for god knows what. Somehow, they ended up getting her to bed and nobody was hurt or arrested. But it still had lasting consequences.

This was over 5 years ago, and I haven’t talked to my cousin since. I never saw her crazy drunken antics, but I am angry that she embarrassed my dad and made him miss over an hour of the reception (and pushing grandma is never cool). And the thing is, this type of behavior came out of nowhere (at least to us), so it’s not like we had expected or anticipated this particular cousin just going wild at a nice formal event. Just disappointing all around.

Credit: hangoverprone

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