Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#113 Mismatched

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Wikimedia Commons

When my dad got remarried, it was the worst event I’d ever been to. It started four hours late because the bride decided that she just had to have Olive Garden before the ceremony started, so she loaded up all these half-made-up bridesmaids into a couple cars and drove to Olive Garden, where we waited for like two hours for enough space for all of us.

We finally got back to the church and finished with the makeup. None of the bridesmaids had matching dresses because the bride decided on a dress like a week before the wedding, so she said for everyone to pick the closest thing they could find at the bridal shop. And the makeup guy was a friend of hers who claimed to be a runway makeup artist, but we all ended up looking cheap and 80s.

So their ceremony finally starts four hours late with a bunch of mismatched bridesmaids in horrible make up and giant hair, and two of the bride’s friends just decided to stand up next to the bridesmaids like they were part of the ceremony too, for some reason.  At the reception, there was a guy with a guitar paid to sing and play, but one of those two friends decided she was going to be the main entertainment for the evening. She grabbed the guy’s mic and started singing in the most awful tone-deaf screechy voice I’ve ever heard. Finally it was all over and we could leave, and I went to my car in the parking lot… and someone had slashed my tires. All four of them.

Credit: NinjaShira

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