Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#46 Any Friend of Yours Is a Friend of Mine…Or Not

Ruined Wedding facts
Flickr / Marco Verch

I was paying for my stepdaughter’s wedding at a venue which holds 250 people max. I gave her a list of 20 people that I wanted to be invited since, you know, I was paying for everything. She told me that it was no problem and that she’d take care of it. So, I let these people know they’d be getting an invite and that they should save the date.

Saturday, I saw one of my friends on this list at the golf course and asked if he was coming. He told me that he wasn’t invited. He told me that he got an announcement in the mail, but not an invitation. He showed it to me and, sure enough, it was just an announcement—and my name was nowhere on it. It had her “real” dad’s name and her mom’s name, but not mine. This led to a pretty big fight with my GF, as I found out that NONE of my list of twenty “made the cut” for the final guest list because “250 people is very tight.” What a slap in the face, after all I’ve done for these people.

Credit: godzilla_moon

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