Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#56 Return This Wedding to Sender

Vegas facts

My husband and I were invited to the wedding of a military buddy of his. We were running a little late but weren’t too worried. We got onto base and headed for the main chapel (there are three or four chapels on base). When we got to the main chapel, it was apparent that there was no wedding going on. Looked at the invitation again.

It just said, “Post chapel” and gave an address. So obviously, this wasn’t the post chapel that the bride had intended, and I whipped out my phone to look up the address. We drove to that part of the base and found the place. It was some sort of administration building, definitely not a chapel. We were confused, to say the least.

Nonetheless, we found a building with “Chaplain’s office” on the directory so we figured we’d been invited to some sort of civil ceremony. The building was locked. Now thoroughly confused and late at this point. As we were wondering what we should do, we see an older gentleman in a tuxedo wandering around. We had to find out what was up with him.

He’s pretty clearly in the same boat. Turns out he’s the groom’s father, and he doesn’t have any more idea what’s going on than we do. After a few more minutes, a soldier arrives. He’s the chaplain’s assistant and he’s looking for lost wedding guests (namely the groom’s father). Turns out the bride put down the wrong address and the wrong chapel name on the invitation.

By the time we got to the wedding (which they had delayed because the groom’s dad was missing), the bride was in tears. I felt so bad for her. They finally started the wedding, and the chaplain gave an awkward sermon about “being clothed in Jesus’ love” and lost his place several times. Finally, as the ceremony was over, and the guests began to applaud, a bat fell down out of the ceiling and died. Craziest wedding I’d ever been to.

Credit: shelbyknits

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