Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#60 Hit & Wed

Craziest Excuses facts

My parents had a pretty disastrous wedding. I wasn’t there to witness it, but my parents and the guests tell the stories all the time. The wedding was in July, they were expecting a hot, sunny day but it ended up being a major downpour. My mother had a taxi scheduled to take her from her hotel to the church, due to the rain the taxi was super late.

As my mother was waiting, in her wedding dress, she gets hit by a car. She gets knocked to the ground, but it wasn’t hard enough to break any bones, so she just walks it off. Unfortunately, her dress picked up a lot of the mud from her fall and a big chunk of lace was torn. It turns out the car that hit her was actually the taxi that was supposed to pick her up. But oh, the day wasn’t done.

She finally makes it to the church, my father was in tears, on the verge of a nervous breakdown thinking that she wasn’t going to show. Again, because of the rain, about a third of the guests didn’t make it. The rest of the ceremony went ok—until the reception. At the reception, the hotel was understaffed due to the rain and the DJ couldn’t make it (again, due to the rain) so it consisted of guests sitting around in a silent room waiting for food.

A plus-one soon decides that she is literally dying of hunger, so she goes up and cuts a slice of the wedding cake for herself before my parents had taken pictures with the cake or sliced it. On the positive side, later on they discovered that a restaurant in the hotel had a jukebox, so the restaurant lets them move it into the banquet hall and they’re able to pop in some quarters to get music playing. It was a disaster at the time, but now they look back at it and laugh.

Credit: simplerthings

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