Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#72 Nuts About Protocol

Image result for epipen
Flickr / Tony Webster

I was at one wedding where the menu for the reception was advertised as nut-free, coconut-free, and lactose-free, in order to accommodate a whole host of allergies among the guests and children. The chef for the buffet decided “Contract be damned!” and put walnuts in EVERYTHING. There were almonds in the salads, pecans in the desserts, walnuts in the chicken… Nuts everywhere!

It got awkward when the bride found out. See, the bride and all of her sisters have severe nut allergies. She ate Burger King at her wedding, and her sister—eight months pregnant—shot up her EpiPen and snuck out to go to the ER with anaphylaxis. The cringey, awkward thing was watching the groom try to soothe and cheer the bride.

It was very, very awkward: the bride was seething with just pure, totally unadulterated rage and the guests could only look on helplessly.The day was saved some two hours later when the bride and groom’s kids got silly and hyper, distracting the bride from her anger. It was really tense though, a lot of people left.

Credit: stickbeat

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