Horrified Guests Reveal The Worst Weddings They’ve Ever Attended

#73 Do Exactly as I Say

The woman who married my BIL. The highlight of her bridezilla moments (and there were many) was sending out a 4 page, front and back letter to all the members of the wedding party regarding what exactly was expected of them. This included exactly how much they were to spend on gifts for the couple (basically, “Oh, don’t go nuts, tee hee…But it had better NOT be too cheap!!”), expected dress code for everything from informal meet ups to decide wedding attire and favors to the stag/bachelorette parties, for her bridesmaids to lose weight, hair styles, cut and color had to be approved by her, and how they were to behave at all times.

This was to a group of punk rock, anti-establishment kids with tattoos, colored hair, and leather galore. This was not unknown to the bride, as she claimed to be part of that scene herself. She actually demoted the best man the night before the wedding and “moved up” another of the groomsmen because she felt the original best man (one of the groom’s oldest and best friends) wasn’t “pulling his weight” and doing things the way she wanted. This despite him honestly trying and being on his best behavior for everything, even though he had never been a fan of this girl. And that’s just the tip of the bridezilla iceberg. The marriage did not last.

Credit: CC109

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